Collection Services
Maximize your collections. Reduce your write-offs with DAL.
DAL, Inc. is a commercial collection agency specializing in the recovery and resolution of delinquent accounts in all areas of business – from chemicals, pharmaceuticals, textile, and technology firms to manufacturers and distributors in construction and non-construction related industries. Be assured that DAL has the experience and expertise to handle all of your needs.
Beyond commercial collections, DAL offers a full range of value-added benefits to assist with your collection efforts, including:
Commercial Collections
The DAL commercial collection program is designed to be a valuable part of your credit department. In essence, we become an extension of your collection department and part of your collection team.
Client Service Center
Exclusive for Clients of DAL, Inc., the DAL Client Service Center is a powerful online management tool that provides ease of communication between you and DAL along with inventory management and agency oversight of accounts placed with DAL for collection.
Placement Options
DAL continues to make advances to the collection process so that it is an easier one for you and your team; as a result we have simplified the placement process for individual claims, bulk placements, or auto-place options.
DAL offers Skip Tracing, Bank Account Searches, and Asset Reports in order for you to make better informed decisions on whether to continue through the legal system with a file.
At DAL, we don't waste precious time on your delinquent accounts. Only after all of our in-house resources are exhausted, the legal system is considered as the next step. Our extensive resources provide you with the best in class legal team.
DAL handles collections in all areas of business and is aware of the nuances unique to each industry including manufacturing and distribution in construction and non-construction, pharmaceuticals, logistics, apparel, food & beverage, factoring and lending.
Financial Management
When it comes to liquidating receivables, DAL can provide a plethora of options presenting as your borrower, the lender (you), or the third party collector (DAL) for asset based lenders, factors, and turn around mangers.
DAL offers an outsource team of experienced professionals that can give you the boost you need.
Credit Executive Letter Series
Take action now to speed up results on slow paying accounts before full service collection efforts are required. Utilize DAL’s CELS (Credit Executive Letter Series) program of pre-collection letters to reduce your DSO and write-offs.