
Dal Collection tips

We've compiled a list of tips to help prevent your delinquent accounts from being write-offs and the best time to take further action.

dal snapshots

DAL has created several DAL Snapshots to aid you in your navigation of credit and collections. Check out if we could be of value to you. 

Dal news & Views

Sign up to view our most recent DAL News & Views and DAL Credit & Collection E-Alerts. Get the news you need to know now for credit and collections.


With the current pandemic disrupting so many industries, we have created a Covid Resource Center to keep you up-to-date with the ever-changing business environment.

dal top ten debtor excuses

Having a debtor refuse to pay is never a laughing matter. On the other hand, DAL’s Top Ten Debtor Excuses are sure to make you laugh. If you have your own hilarious excuse, send it in, and if we use it, we'll give you $25.

upcoming events

As a DAL client, you are regularly provided complimentary access to educational webinars hosted by a wide range of credit organizations in the field of credit and collections. Take advantage of this benefit today.

DAL - Since 1974 - your Commercial Collection Strategies and Solutions Partner.